Editing is perhaps one of the most crucial ASPECT in publishing, you see we have it capitalized, it is not a mistake, that is how big it is. Often editing is confused with proofreading. Editing is not Fixing grammar, or punctuation, No, it is something more.

Metallurgy is the process of refining raw materials and placing the raw materials through extreme heat so their true potential can be realized. This is exactly the process of editing, looking at a bunch of words and phrases, and extracting their potential.

The three phases of editing.

–  Developmental and structural editing.

-Content editing.

-Line editing & refinery.

Structure Development & Consultation Services

Developmental editing is a phase in the book publishing process where editors work with authors to resolve “big picture” issues in their manuscripts, including structure, form, plot, and character. It deals with the makeup of the book; a strong structure ensures that a book is well developed. This phase deals with the PLOT (there are 7 types of plots that stories abide by), and through this process, we help the writer determine the type of plot they want, and why that plot is ideal. We look at the chapters in relation to what is communicated and the chronology of each. A developmental editor aims to make a book that answers the intended audience’s needs. Key goals for this process. Constructed PLOT diagram structure. Plot description, Exposition, Body, Resolution. 3 act/5 act Story outline Diagram and feedback.

Line Editing

If you are thinking that a line editor reads one line after the other and analyse if it is well written or not, you are right, that is the role of a line editor, to go through the book with a microscope and refine the body of work. Line editing has been said to be ‘more art than science’, whether that is true or not, we deploy the biggest eye on this process. A line editor is attentive to the writer's individual style (for that reason, the job is sometimes called stylistic editing) and approaches the manuscript as a careful reader. Key goals for this process. • Ensuring that each sentence means exactly what it means. • Ensuring that each word is carefully used. • Ensuring correlation between sentences. • Ensuring that the manuscript is ready for proofreading.

Additionally, we offer to transcribing and ghost-writing, prices depend on the nature of the project, we only transcribe books (audio or hardcover docs).

Content editing & consultation sessions

Content editing, also known as substantive editing, comprehensive editing, macro editing, or heavy editing, is a form of copy editing that evaluates the overall literary work. This phase looks at the body of work that has been produced from the development, it looks at the character development (character development is not only for fiction books), is the character clearly designed, does the story follow the 3-act approach or 5-act approach, does the story has clearly defined goals, does the exposition, body, and conclusion make sense. Key goals for this process. 1. Refining Plot structure. 2. Character development. 3. In-depth description of characters and setting. 4. Chapter analysis. 5. 6 times consultation sessions (3 hours per session) 6. Literature analysis of the book (written plus consultation session)